The Future of Year-Round Sustainable Agriculture
Economical Heat for Greenhouses
AgroDomesTM is a patent pending technology
Heat Stations for Greehouses
Low Cost Hyperscale Tier 3 Data Center and Blockchain Operations Providing Economical Heat for Agricultural Applications
Replicable and modular design for rapid construction and deployment.
Key Features
Tier 3 Uptime
6-8 Week Construction
(after electrical servicing)
No Primary Or Redundant Air Conditioning Needed To Cool Servers
Servers Cooled Through Natural Passive Cooling Ground-Coupled Heat-Exchanger
Canadian well technology
Air Dehumidified In The Process
High Density Negative Pressure Server Cabinets
6,000 watts with redundant feed
Data Center Redundancy Architectures
Uptime Institute N+1 specification compliant
Greenest And Most Sustainable Technology Available
Heat Generated By Servers Used For Adjacent Greenhouses
Available High Security Configuration
A Sustainable Business
The business case for AgroDomesTM is based on:

The Increasing Demand for Data Center Capacity

A Post-Pandemic Renewed Emphasis on Local Food Security

A Model for Sustainability

Negative Carbon Output
The AgroDomeTM technology is more than just a highly efficient use of energy – the agricultural operations of the greenhouses actually capture CO2 from air provided by the AgroDomesTM and converts it to oxygen. Combined with the AgroDome’s carbon-neutral source of electricity, this means that the AgroDome system actually reduces the amount of atmospheric carbon, making operations effectively carbon-negative.